Looks like the Mainstream Media are beginning to catch on... in a big screen, big budget, hollywood kind of way:
I saw this in the subway yesterday:

[12/21/2012 can't come soon enough.]
I wasn't sure if it was a reference to the end of times as predicted by the Mayans but I came to work today and searched for it.
IT'S A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE arriving this November.
A global cataclysm occurs which leads to the end of the world and has survivors struggling for their lives, while a US government agency called the "Institute for Human Continuity" attempts to use ships to ensure the survival of the human race.
The film is inspired by several hypotheses that state that the ancient Mayan predicted a doomsday event would occur sometime around the 2012 northern hemisphere winter solstice." (wikipedia)
Trailer here:
Website here.
More info here.
You can be sure that EIGN will keep you abreast of this developing story over the next few days and months.
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